Research Paper On Childhood Schizophrenia Or Autism

2 min readJan 10, 2021
  • Academic !Support #Center
  • Infantile autism and childhood schizophrenia: review of the issues from the sociocultural point of view. Sanua VD. After presenting an historical overview of the development of the concept of childhood psychosis. this paper discusses the various etiologies which have been offered to explain severe disturbances of childhood. Reference is made to the nature/nurture polemic. In spite of the . . .
  • The study surveyed parents of children with schizophrenia and autism using the Family Needs Questionnaire to measure perceived social support. and a subsection of the Ohio Youth Problem . . .
  • Autism and schizophrenia were placed in different diagnostic categories in DSM-III. having previously been considered as related diagnostic entities. New evidence suggests that these disorders show clinical and cognitive deficit overlaps and shared neurobiological characteristics.
  • The diagnosis of autism excludes a diagnosis schizophrenia and longitudinal research revealed that children with autism were not at increased risk of schizophrenia later in life. This „splitting” approach which is the basis of the current DSM classification. has led to classifying diagnostic approach practice with a high degree of interrater reliability. allowing great advances in . . .
  • The Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia. launched in 1971. did eventually change its name to the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders in 1979. Childhood schizophrenia ceased to exist as a distinct clinical entity. and instead. clinicians emphasized schizophrenia with childhood onset and looked to apply the same diagnostic criteria for the disorder …
  • Research reveals autism and schizophrenia share common traits by Nick Adams. Swinburne University of Technology New research has discovered that people in the general population can be categorised. . .
  • Split the difference: New evidence suggests autism and schizophrenia may be closely related. For much of the twentieth century. autism was considered childhood schizophrenia. Shared problems with language and social interaction lumped them together. Doctors thought as the children grew older. they simply became more psychotic and delusional.
  • Studies have found elevated rates of autism among young people with childhood-onset schizophrenia. in which the features of schizophrenia appear before age …
  • It was considered. “schizophrenia. childhood type” (Barlati. Deste. Ariu. & Vita. 2016). It was not until the publication of the third DSM that autism became its own category called “Infantile Autism”. which eventually was given the more expressive term. “Autism Disorder” (Project Autism. n. d).




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